About Us

DancehallMag is the leading independent publication covering Dancehall and Reggae music, the artists, and culture since 2019.


Our mission is to help facilitate a greater appreciation and awareness of the genres to the masses worldwide through accurate, trustworthy, and unbiased news articles, interviews, features, and more.

Ownership and Funding.

DancehallMag is published and owned by Topaz Interactive, a black-owned Caribbean web development agency. The site’s direction is governed solely by its Editors and writers, who are fans of the genre, and not by any third parties such as the artists, producers, record labels, advertisers, or other special interests. 

We’ve received no funding from grants or outside investors. 

The majority of the website’s operations and editorial salaries are funded by programmatic advertising, managed by our outside ad agency. This ensures editorial independence, as ad decisions don’t affect content.


Kester Clarke

News Editor:
Claudia Gardner

Staff Editors:
Sade Gardner
Michael Nattoo

Staff Writers:
Claudine Baugh
Dani Mallick
Kediesha Perry

Claude Mills
Sheldon Williams
Gladstone Taylor
Amaya McDonald
Ronnia Cherry
Emma Samuels

Contact Us.

If you have questions about this content platform, a story you think we should cover, or feedback on any aspect of the site, we’d love to hear from you.

The best way to contact us is to email: editor@dancehallmag.com.

c/o Topaz Interactive
9th Floor, Panjam Building,
60 Knutsford Blvd,
Kingston, 5, Jamaica

Our Socials: Connect with us on social media.