Editorial Standards

DancehallMag’s content adheres to the highest journalistic standards of quality, accuracy, and integrity.

Accuracy and Fact-checking.

We work hard to ensure that the stories that we publish are accurate, fair, and up to date and that our headlines accurately reflect the content of their stories. In our editorial process, an Editor reviews all stories, including after they are published. This review includes fact-checking, spelling corrections, and ensuring the writing is clear and easy to understand. See a mistake we missed? Let us know.

Because we strive to cover the Dancehall industry comprehensively, we may sometimes report on leaks, gossip, or rumors.  In those rare cases, we will try to get confirmation from the relevant industry sources, failing which, we will properly identify and notate those stories. 

Objectivity, Transparency, and Ethics.

  • We do not engage in defamation, hate speech, or plagiarism, and make sure to limit our focus to celebrities or those who are in the public eye, drawing the line at invading the privacy of those who never asked for publicity or attention.
  • We strive to avoid any conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived, in our coverage. In order to provide accurate content and exclusive interviews, we may maintain relationships with the artists, managers, publicists, record companies, and others that we cover. However, we do not accept anything of value through these relationships, nor do we ever pay for access.
  • We strive to be respectful and objective when reporting on sensitive topics or controversial issues.
  • When reporting stories that have already been covered by other publishers and content creators, we try to link to the original story or source that gave rise to our own reporting.
  • We also ensure that images used on our website do not infringe on the rights of others, promptly addressing potential infringements in line with our DMCA Policy.

Sponsored Content?

We do not offer paid reviews, sponsored posts, or advertorials of any kind, but advertisers can place display ads in clearly marked positions on DancehallMag through our third-party ad agency.


See our corrections policy.