World’s First Crypto Trillionaire Christopher Williamson Loves Bob Marley, Wants To Help ‘Plenty People’

Christopher Williamson

Christopher Williamson is the world’s first Crypto Trillionaire, at least it is so according to his cryptocurrency app.

Williamson said he woke up to find that his crypto wallet has over a trillion dollars, after he invested about $20 in a cryptocurrency called Rocket Bunny. Catching his breath and coming to terms with his newfound “fortune” and fame we talk about his taste in music and how to maneuver the sometimes volatile crypto market-space.

Chris, where are you from?


How did you go about investing in Crypto?

When we locked down during the pandemic I needed a hobby. What better hobby than crypto? I fell in love with it.

What were your first investments?


For someone coming in new to the crypto market, what do you tell them?

Never invest more than you are willing to lose. Use some money you can risk losing because it’s just the name of the game.

So you woke up to find yourself a trillion dollars up in life, what was your first response?

I fell outta my bed. I hit the floor.

Did you think you could cash out?

Yes, I ran to my desk. I was trying to sell the crypto but coinbase had locked it out and said there is a glitch so I couldn’t take it out.

Let’s say you get to take out a billion dollars. What’s the first thing you will do?

There is nothing I like more than helping others. One of my biggest dreams is to open up free clinics.

What kinda music do you listen to?

I listen to Bob Marley, I do love his music. If I am staying I listen to something soothing. If I am waking up to a trillion dollars I love the song “money money money”.

Your favorite artist of all time?

Elton John, Eric Clapton, Bob Marley.

What’s your next move? 

Continue my normal life and finish my degree.

Chris Big Up

Thank your brother.