Echo Minott Talks New Album ‘Man A Do Road’

Echo Minott

Veteran singer Echo Minott’s Man a Do Road album is a total time warp to 1980; from the toasting style, rockers reggae feel, and dub retention laced throughout the 12 tracks, to the album artwork which captures Dancehall space and culture. It’s reasonable considering its recent release coincided with his 40-year anniversary in the music business.

Minott held a small, private party in France where he resides to celebrate this milestone and launch the album in late August.

“It’s a good album and there are some tracks on it that take you back to the 80s when I just started,” he told DancehallMag. “I did over one of my songs and I renamed it Jah Nuh Dead, and I also put back songs like Sweet Sensation on it so there’s many songs on the album that people can relate to from way back.”

Man a Do Road album artwork

But there are also new tunes and messages to appeal to today’s generation. I Can’t Breathe addresses the systematic attack on the black race which has led to worldwide protests against police brutality and racial inequality this year.

“I added that song when I saw all that was happening, it really wasn’t planned as the album was finished,” he said. “I was in the studio one day with DJ Air Afrique and he was playing the piano. I found myself singing ‘all lives matter’ but after I looked back at the situation I knew I couldn’t say that because it would lead to problems as they’re fighting for black men right now.

“It was a freestyle that my son had video-recorded and posted on Facebook, which luckily we had as Afrique didn’t remember the chords he’d played. I sent him the video so he could remake the beat, and I changed the lyrics and recorded I Can’t Breathe.”

Making the album

Minott has etched his legacy by singing songs that reflect the everyday experiences and hearts of people. Man A Do Road is a model of this, strung together alongside collaborator and instrumentalist DJ Air Afrique.

Minott met the African producer in November 2019 in Switzerland to initially work on three singles.

Echo Minott

“Normally he’d do some different stuff like techno music so it’s his first reggae production,” he said. “After the three songs, I said it’d be best for us to do an album and that’s how it was made. I finished it in January but there were some finishing touches that needed to be added.”

The album was released on his NAPEM Records imprint and Air Afrique Records. Promoting during a pandemic is challenging due to the absence of tours, but Minott is making the best of his resources as an independent act.

Veteran singer Echo Minott

“I think the concerts that artists do push the album cause when an artist do a good show people go back on Youtube and check out your songs and if they like it they buy your albums,” said. “Maybe it won’t happen today but music is forever, those who miss out on it will discover it later. I tried to do the best of my ability for my fans and the people so I think this album will stand strong in the future. I’m just doing my thing and hope to be in the game same way.”

He is hoping to release the visuals for I Can’t Breathe soon, as well as videos for the tracks Red Blood, which promotes unity among all people, and the album title track which is an ode to people making sacrifices to provide for their families.